What’s Happening at ar.tic.u.la.tion. in 2012

No theory or speaker reviews in this post, just a quick update on some of our whereabouts for the new year.

Ongoing Training and Coaching

We are actively scheduling both classes and individual sessions for our Storytelling Training and Presentation Coaching offerings.   These are private-reserve classes (no public sessions, sorry) which means we can customize them to your exact needs.  We are already traveling to New York, Philadelphia and Cincinnati in the first quarter.

If you don’t have funds to bring us to you, we are now offering Virtual Coaching.  Whether its in crafting a talk or getting ready for one, we don’t need to be in the same room with you.  We just finished helping a client in San Diego re-write his signature talk, and we’re interviewing a team of spokespeople via video submissions for another national client.  Don’t let distance or travel get in the way of raising your bar on your presentations.

TED / TEDx Initiatives

In February, we’ll be helping to coaching the first ever TEDxKids event in Ohio at an aftercare program.  Watch this blog for some updates on how it goes, especially since the kids are in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade.  The kids will unveil their great ideas on how to make Columbus a better place during its Bicentennial year on February 17.

After that, Ruth will be attending TEDActive in Palm Springs.  If you are going and want to connect, send her an email!

We’ve got a whole line-up of TED viewing events we’re planning this year, leading up to our big live stage event on October 5 at COSI.

Women’s Fund

We’re proud to be an in-kind training partner this year of the Women’s Fund of Central Ohio.  On January 25, we’ll be coaching their grant partners on how to architect their best story.  At the end of June, we’ll help their leadership get ready to take the stage with Whoopi Goldberg at their annual Keyholder Event.

Blogging, Writing, Reading and Speaking too!

This year, our interests are going to turn deeper into the psychology of nervous behaviors around public speaking and in refining a  a few new storytelling classes in partnership with Thoughtleaders.  We’ll be blogging here as much as possible and addressing a few audiences ourselves.  We love to present too!

Feel free to submit questions or ideas to us here, as we continue to help accelerate your presentation and public speaking skills.


the motivated speaker

six principles to unlock your communication potential

In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.

The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!