virtual producer

The Virtual Producer: The Newest Job on the Block

If you are giving a virtual presentation, leading a virtual workshop, facilitating a virtual team meeting, or any combination of these, there’s a person you will need. A virtual producer. Or if that term is too fancy – a virtual helper.

As you deliver, train, teach, sell, or facilitate, there’s only one thing you can do at a time. Focus on what you are going to say. But there are about six things that need to happen at the same time that you realistically can’t do. They include:

  • Letting people in from the waiting room
  • Muting / unmuting participants
  • Updating names on the screen labels
  • Launching a poll
  • Monitoring the chat room
  • Elevating questions
  • Providing tech support
  • Watching your delivery, video and sound to make sure you are being seen and heard (and interrupting you when you aren’t)
  • Keeping watch of the clock
  • Monitoring attention and engagement of participants
  • Sharing your slides / visuals if you don’t want to be the “switcher”
  • Launching a video
  • Hitting record
  • Assisting in sending people to and from breakout rooms

And most importantly: you need someone to rehearse with you and practice the timing of any movements within your session or class.

Where do you find a producer or helper?

Another speaker, colleague, teacher or even student in your class is an easy place to start. We’ve seen husbands, kids, secretaries and neighbors help, too. And Articulation is here to help.

“The best advice I’ve had in a long time was to have you recommend that I use Helmut as my director in the three virtual learning modules for my client. He was amazing and awesome, and I can’t say enough. He definitely knows this space regarding what works/doesn’t work for virtual sessions. He knows the Zoom tool well and understands learning.”

If you don’t have a virtual producer, then look to a firm like ours that has trained our own internal producer who could support you. We are delighted to provide an hourly arrangement. (Email us at for rates).


the motivated speaker

six principles to unlock your communication potential

In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.

The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!