TEDxKids@NBCC Journal Entry 3: Story Circle and Idea Starters

Session #3 with the kids was a dynamic one! Building on our second class where we explored illustrative language, each student brought in their photo (they choose from a stack we supplied) to share a story they created about it. The goal for this session was to:

– Start to build a sense of preparation:  I have to talk about this photo, what will I say?  (vs. a spontaneous request in class to discuss it);

– To continue sharing visual elements through language to draw in the audience and demonstrate their (still) fictional stories;

– To feel comfortable talking, again, in front of their peers;

– To have the peers appreciate what it means to listen with respect.

Here are the photos we had them use to build stories:


Here’s a compilation video of the stories that they brought forth. I will reflect that their preparation styles nearly mimic

that of adults. I saw:

– The well prepared (wrote out the notes)

– The prepared (had thought about it and knew a story but didn’t rehearse)

– The spontaneous (Saying whatever comes to mind since they didn’t give thought prior)

– The comic (I’m going to entertain my audience, don’t care so much what my story is)

– The reluctant (not gonna talk, ever, ever)

– The unknowingly good on your feet (reluctant to talk because of lack of preparation, but with a little prompting, did a great job thinking on the go)


Then, after our story circle, we introduced these visual storyboards that introduced the framework in which their TEDx talk would be given. We’ll find out this week if they all picked the same topics or if we’ll have diversity (not too worried if we don’t).  Their only requirement was to talk about something that could make our community a better place as we turn 200. Here’s the storyboard and the worksheet we used.

Here’s a quick video of the introduction of the theme for their tedx talks. I got a few groans.” I wanted to talk about making ice cream,” one replied. I gently responded that you could still tell us how to make ice cream, but how could it help out a problem we have? Her response was “Maybe to pass it it out on really hot days.” And alas, she found a villain to her hero. Here’s how the conversation went:


We will break the group down into smaller groups for the next two classes as our goals will be to get them to practice some good public speaking habits and also, help them review their core ideas for their talks.

And at this juncture, we are also turning to a few logistical matters for the event itself. Just as a matter of record, this week will be having them design a t-shirt (to be printed locally by ThoughtCo, a local tshirt purveyor), vote on their favorite flavors of cake and pizza that we’ll serve, and then confirm some technical details with the church for the room where we are having the event (audio feed, tables, chairs, etc). Hoping, too, that we can inspire them to add some of their own creative elements to the spirit of the event – looking for a performer or two (musicians, jugglers) to keep the event fun and fresh.



the motivated speaker

six principles to unlock your communication potential

In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.

The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!