Talk Like Someone’s Listening: Series Recap

Time flies when you’re having fun. It’s hard to believe our Talk Like Someone’s Listening video series has already come to a close. The series included nine videos that took a humorous look at some less than desirable speaking habits. They made us smile, nod our heads, wince a bit, and yes, laugh out loud!

Before we move on to our next video series (watch for info on that soon), we wanted to take a moment to recap Talk Like Someone’s Listening. Let’s take a look back.

Three is the Magic Number

How many points can you fit into a talk? Our answer always, always, is THREE.

Translate Your Science

This video gently reminds all of our favorite experts that sometimes it takes careful effort to turn outward for others to access your insights.

The Joke Will Be On You

Use too much humor in your speech? The joke will be on you. Learn how to engage your audience without losing credibility.

Take a Breath, or 10

As coaches, we’ve seen it a thousand times before. Speed talker syndrome. To increase your credibility and make a better impression, slow it down.

Bonus: The Power of Breath

Short Words, Big Impact

Step away from the thesaurus. Forget the jargon, too. To engage your audience as a reputable speaker, be relatable instead. Small words can make a big impact in your presentation.

Bonus: This is One Time to Think Small

Watch the Clock

While we admire the endurance of marathon runners and other long-distance athletes, the same can’t be said for speakers and presenters. When it’s time to take the stage, keep it short.

Death by Bullet Point

More is NOT always better. For years (and years, and years) one of the most common complaints about presentations has been bullet-ridden and text heavy slides. You’d think by now speakers would know to avoid this presentation faux pas. Yet we still see slides that rival War and Peace.

They Want Answers, Not Questions

Ah, rhetorical questions. They are a favorite tool of public speakers. But are they useful? (Don’t answer that!) The truth is, your audience wants answers, not questions. In your next speech, avoid a barrage of rhetorical questions. Instead, flip the narrative.

Start with Why

Don’t bog down your message. To present a compelling presentation, public speakers should start with “why” the audience should care, and simply get to the point.

Which of the videos was your favorite? Would you like us to offer further insights on any of the topics? We’d like to hear from you.

Shout out to our partners, who helped make this series a success. Talk Like Someone’s Listening was directed and written by Joel Levinson and co-produced by Brant Jones and the Articulation team.


the motivated speaker

six principles to unlock your communication potential

In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.

The book will deliver May 2025.
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