A Strong Start: Articulation’s Q1 Recap

One of our company values is transparency. We believe in it when working with clients, with speakers, and when people give us feedback. We want to be transparent in a “reporting” way about the work we’ve been doing. It’s in the spirit of if we don’t share it, you won’t know. We’ve had a strong start to the year and are excited to share this news with you.
Here’s a look back at a few of the things we accomplished in Q1 2023.
  • Launched our Team Development Modules: Five new facilitated modules designed for your hybrid or virtual team’s in-person gatherings to advance team performance, bonding, and individual development. These are also beneficial to help teams connect after a restructure or management change.
  • Hosted the second Emerging Speaker Showcase. This event is a place for emerging speakers to record high quality video to advance their speaking careers. Eight speakers each delivered a 9-minute talk. It was produced by Articulation, under the direction of our founder, Ruth Milligan.  Look for the next showcase to come in August.
  • Prepared more than 50 speakers for a consequential presentation or talk.
  • Worked with six individuals to help them become more effective leaders in their respective roles.
  • Took multiple cohorts through our Message Method class, teaching them how to create a concise message to answer the question on the audience’s mind.
  • Helped 16 leaders learn how to better present themselves in our Style & Delivery class.
  • Published a new white paper, Five Emotions That Make Your Audience Stop Listening. As a subscriber, you can download it here.
  • Welcomed several new clients to the Articulation community.

Thank you to everyone who was a part of these initiatives. More great stuff is in store, and we can wait to share new developments with you soon.

– Your Articulation Team

What’s Your Story?

Everyone has one — or several to tell. And helping you tell stories well is what we do. Whether you’re seeking to improve your public speaking and presentation skills, preparing for critical meetings, building confidence when addressing audiences, or elevating your team’s skills in these areas, don’t hesitate to call us at 614-348-0760 or complete and submit our contact form.


the motivated speaker

six principles to unlock your communication potential

In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.

The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!