Empowering leaders to drive change through better storytelling.

Our clients come to us as individuals seeking to grow their own communication skills or as teams from organizations with similar goals. Many are looking for help in planning and preparing for a specific event — an analyst call, a keynote, a conference, RFP defense, and the like. You can obtain private coaching or sign up for a group class hosted by you at your facilities or offsite by us where we make all the arrangements. We regularly offer classes open to individuals, but we can also host a team-based class offsite if you prefer. But no matter what your story and goals, you’ll find us flexible and eager to get you what you need.

Presentation Style & Delivery

This class will take you through the process of understanding your own presence — from the quality of your voice to the words you choose to how you look when delivering them. 
Learn more

Influential Storytelling

This class will teach you how to harness the power of stories to achieve impact and drive change. You’ll discover what it takes to help audiences understand and engage with critical messages and insights, data and decisions. Learn more.

Message Method

Message Method teaches anyone to quickly translate complex ideas and data into compelling content and communicate solutions with confidence and clarity to win support. We also offer a version of this class designed especially for scientists, researchers and data analysts.  
Learn more.

Executive Presence 

Executive Presence is designed for anyone who needs to build better skills to command attention, evoke confidence, influence people and transform outcomes. Learn more.

Hot-Seat Training

Hot-Seat Training is designed for anyone whose position puts them before a microphone or camera to present, discuss or defend their organization’s goals, performance, decisions or behavior. Available as a group class and or private coaching session. Learn more.

Transforming Talks Program

A one-on-one coaching program, Transforming Talks is a proven platform and development tool for executive leaders who want to use a TED-like approach to showcase their organization’s breakthrough ideas and talent. Learn more.

Executive Communications Coaching Program 

Consisting primarily of one-on-one coaching, the Executive Communications Coaching Program can help you increase your influence, persuasion, and overall communication effectiveness as an executive. The program has proven to be especially well suited to the needs of subject matter experts who have been promoted to leadership roles. Learn more.

Keynote Coaching

This service provides one-on-one coaching to anyone who needs to prepare to give a critical presentation to a live audience. Your coach will work with you to help frame your basic idea, develop an outline and work through to delivery. Learn more. 

Something Else?

Not everyone’s needs are the same. We’ve grown by listening to our clients and refining the content of our classes and programs. So, if you think your needs fall outside the bounds of our classes and specializing coaching programs, we’d like to learn more. We are always looking for ways to broaden our services, adapt our methods, and clarify your goals and mission. Together we can plot a course that gets you where you want to be — no matter what the stage or audience event. Storytelling is as varied as its many tellers. Let’s start shaping yours. Call us at 614-507-2170.

How would you describe your needs?  
Select the description with best matches your needs to see which class or program may be right for you or your team. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, call us at 614-507-2170 or complete and submit our Client Contact Form.

How would you describe your needs?  
Select the description with best matches your needs to see which class or program may be right for you or your team. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, call us at 614-507-2170 or complete and submit our Client Contact Form.

Getting up and presenting a story is not what most people are good at.
This is how to get better.


the motivated speaker

six principles to unlock your communication potential

In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.

The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!