Coach Acacia Duncan talks about how Articulation supports your team’s development.

For Your Teams or Organization

Articulation’s Executive Communication Masterclass will help your team(s) to learn how to prepare and deliver their insights to any audience in a way that is clear, compelling, and grounded. 

Having trouble with written or verbal communications? Message Method teaches how to develop content that translates complex ideas or data into compelling presentations that communicate insights with confidence and clarity to win support.

At the heart of every presentation is an effective speaker. This offering focuses on the style and delivery skills required of every leader for the highest communication impact.

It’s time to bring the team together! Articulation has five facilitated modules designed for in-person team gatherings that assist with making these moments meaningful and productive.

When your team is invited to pitch or defend a proposal our Hot-Seat Training can help you prepare for the intense pressure. Learn how to stay on message in these consequential moments.

For emerging leaders who need to define their leadership style. This class will discover the origins of influence through a combined practice of gravitas, communication and appearance. 

Stories provide an essential bridge to engage an audience and are an antidote to flat presentations. This class reveals the how, when, why stories work from everyday conversations to major keynotes.

Do you have emerging scientists or researchers that can’t convey their findings? Making Your Science Accessible can help these brilliant minds make their findings clear to any audience, especially donors or board members. Contact Kim Goldsmith at 614-507-2170 or email her for more information. 

We initially sought out Articulation for an executive communication class after being frustrated with long winded emails and updates that were not driving action. The Executive Communication masterclass that Articulation developed has effectively, efficiently, and quickly engaged our leaders. The training has provided tools and experiences that have allowed our leaders to speak and create with greater confidence, influence and purpose. 

Sarah Bethel, Vice President, Global Supply Chain, Paula’s Choice Skincare


the motivated speaker

six principles to unlock your communication potential

In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.

The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!