Dare to fade to black

Last week, we suggested an outrageous idea to a client who was addicted
to PowerPoint (as in she had sent at least 200 pages of slides in 4
decks). While we were helping her to narrow down a presentation to 15
slides, we also suggested they use a black slide when one of the 5
presenters told a poignant and personal story. Just a simple black
slide. The response? Oh, no, we couldn’t!

So here’s our tip: Try to use one black slide. As you always want to
connect the visual (what they see) with the verbal (what you say) with
the vocal (how you say it), so by taking away an image (even your
‘master design’) on the screen and just telling a story, it will
achieve different resonation. And don’t forget! The speaker IS a

Indeed I do think some of the best presentations can paint pictures
without using any slides. But for those that are in the
mouse-wheel-world of PowerPoint decks, do give the “black slide” a

On Coaching and Training

April was a wonderful month, thank you! We coached on talks that ranged
from a community keynote to major internal corporate meeting, from a
new business pitch to a business plan competition, from medical
training to a stakeholder conference welcome address. We are grateful
for the diversity of talent and projects seeking our help.

Meanwhile, we hosted our first public Influential Storytelling all-day
training and brought a dynamic lunch-and-learn version of it to
Battelle. Our upcoming public presentations will be at the SOTA
conference on May 11 and the WELD conference on June 7.

We would love to help your associates learn the value of storytelling
as well! Let us know if you’d like a preview of our class to share the
value of how stories can help advance key business opportunities.

A little TEDx – related news:

– Nominations are still open for the fall TEDxColumbus event on October
5 @ COSI, click here to read our blog for details. This year’s
theme is “The Future Revealed.”

– Be sure to visit the latest addition the the TEDxColumbus website,
FOLLOW THIS. Ever wonder what happens after TEDxColumbus? Did that idea
work? That project gain momentum? Curious what that speaker is up to
now? FOLLOW THIS answers these questions. Visit the FOLLOW THIS
section of TEDxColumbus.com.


the motivated speaker

six principles to unlock your communication potential

In this book you will discover the six essential threshold concepts needed to give talks like the best TED speakers and Fortune 500 leaders.

The book will deliver May 2025.
Stay tuned for the launch!