Helmut Berthold
Finance Coordinator, Project Manager
As a certified Project Management Professional, I have over 17 years of experience in the management of small to mid-size IT projects and more than 20 years’ experience in event management. My passion and dedication to continuous improvement and professional development made me a perfect fit for Articulation, whose growth called for my consultancy skill set and insight.
I completed a traditional apprenticeship program as an industrial salesman in Germany before earning my undergraduate and master’s degree in Business from the University of Baltimore. After graduating, I joined Catholic Relief Services as Assistant Treasurer, my first full-time position in the States. Eventually, my wife’s roots and family brought me to Columbus, Ohio, where I found work as an IT consultant for a startup company focused on tech services for small and in-home businesses. I was during my time there that my passion for helping small businesses began to blossom. In 2003, I was recruited to launch and manage the Central Ohio office for a printer service company. Then In 2017, I started my own consulting company, providing project management services to small to mid-size businesses.
In my spare time, I am an active rower, I play the occasional recreational ice hockey game, and I coach an adaptive rowing program.
Born in Wuerzburg, Germany
Graduated from University of Baltimore
Favorite Talks: Every TED and TEDxColumbus talk – learn something every time.
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Podcasts or Netflix: Netflix
Cook or Carryout: Carryout
Favorite Superhero: Gromit
Real Book or Kindle: Kindle
Favorite Podcast: RadioLab
Favorite Hockey Team: Blue Jackets
(felt the need to report this)